Wednesday 11 April 2012

Film: The Kids Are All Right

I've always loved American Suburban Dramas. It first started with American Beauty, a movie that moves me now as it did when I first watched it nearly 10 years ago for the first time. It starred Annette Bening in one of her most coveted roles, as the mother whose control only thinly masked a veil of self-doubt and sadness. Annette reprises this role of controlling mother, to acclaim, in one of 2010's best pictures, and arguably one of the best pictures of the decade, The Kids Are All Right. She plays Nic, a wine-loving mother who lives in California with her wife, Jules and her two children, Joni and Laser. Their life seems like a perfect snapshot of American Suburbia, but all changes when the Laser and Joni bring their sperm donor into their lives. What differentiates this film from others and what makes me fall in love every time I watch is not only the beautifully crafted framing in every shot, or the wholesome love that emanates from the family, but is something much more real and tangible. Cholodenko creates a real sense of family, with an excellent script and amazing acting by all of the cast - notably Josh Hutcherson (Laser) who perfectly plays the role of a teenage boy struggling to find a masculine balance in his life. I feel myself becoming increasingly lost in their lives, and I'm just fine with that.

More stills after the jump

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